Covid-19 has left its mark, we are all little more cautious so I have made a few changes.
I have moved the studio into a smaller but better-shaped room where it will be easier for me to maintain and keep clean between clients.
Before returning to the studio I will be asking all to fill in a Covid screening form which can be found here
The following form will be sent out to be completed before each session to keep a check on any symptoms
Appointments will be spaced at 30 min intervals to give me time to do a thorough clean and to ensure that no two clients pass each other on the way in or out.
I ask that all clients wear socks grippy socks would be best, these can be bought quite cheaply from Amazon.
Hand sanitiser will be available upon entry and I will wear a mask if I am unable to maintain the 2-metre rule. I will also take your temperature if the reading is more than 38 celsius then the session will have to cancelled (No charge will be made)
Reformer hand straps have vinyl washable covers which will be sanitised after each use with an antiseptic spray. If you would prefer to bring your own straps these are available to order form this link
The room will be fully ventilated by both windows being left open, so on colder days you may want to wear a vest😉
I am really looking forward to seeing you all