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Are you Suffering with lower back pain

Writer's picture: Gillian ThomasGillian Thomas

Have you been to see the doctor, had all the scans, been to Physio and still find that you are suffering? Maybe the next step is to help yourself. It is important to remember that correct movement will not cause more harm. In reality, not moving will only make your muscles tighter and cause more pain in the long-term.

The best movements for you to focus on to help ease your back pain are:
  1. Hip mobility – moving from your hips, instead of constant flexing the spine. Remember to be kind to your spine! Practice the hip hinge.

  2. Upper back mobility – especially rotation, if your thoracic (upper back) doesn’t move well, the muscles running either side of your spine will become too tight.

  3. Core – and this includes the bottom (Glutes). These muscles need to be strong and working correctly so they can do their job, which puts less strain on other muscles.

  4. Neutral spine – you need to learn when your spine is in its neutral position. This is the least stressful position for your spine and you need to be able to maintain a neutral spine when standing, sitting, moving etc. Basically, we are talking posture

All the the above are addressed in Gills Back Care Pilates Course

For your body to be healthy, function properly and be pain-free you have to pay attention to what you eat. Inflammation causes pain and certain foods can increase inflammation. (There are others that decrease inflammation too). Increase your water intake dramatically, 3 litres per day, cut out processed foods, eliminate sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gluten & dairy for 2 weeks and give your body a chance to get rid of the inflammation. Increase your intake of foods high in Omega 3 such as oily fish, seeds & nuts. Fill your plate with plenty of green veg, change to sweet potatoes, eat plenty of protein and in a couple of weeks, you will feel the difference!

Hip Hinge

  1. Stand with good posture – feet parallel, hip width apart and knees slightly bent (soft).

  2. Breathe in to prepare.

  3. Breathe out, and draw navel to spine.

  4. Bend forwards from the hip, maintaining a neutral spine, bending the knees slightly as you do so.

  5. Keep shoulders down and abdominals pulled in.

  6. Push back up to start position keeping your knees slightly bent. Body weight should be even through both feet.

As you can see, there are many factors that can improve, or worsen, back pain. Try adding some of the tips above into your daily routine to keep your back healthy!

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